Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Internet Impact

I see all the time people sharing a photo that says something along the line of "Dad (Mom) wanted me to understand how far things can go on the internet, Please share" Here is a different one that ends up in my timeline, oh at least once a week,
Not that I know if its real. From what I know about photoshop...its not. But yet people share this. It is not the same person out of my some-odd three hundred friends I have that keeps sharing it...its a different one each time.
     So the photo that parents make their teenage children post showing them the impact of the internet is a great tool for keeping those things private like they are suppose to. I was told, once I hit the age of the internet, yes I am old enough that there was time in which there was no internet, that I needed to be careful about what I shared to the vast world wide web, you never know who is watching or even listening. But...
     I can say this from my 10 some odd years of internet use. I have a low internet impact. If you google my name you won't easily find me. Either name. And I model. My low internet impact really only starts to seriously frustrate me when I am trying to share to help my volunteer work out. But I don't get any shares on that at all from the 300 some odd friends I have. My blog, this lovely one that you are reading never gets hits. I even have an etsy account. Two actually and I am never asked to make some of the wonderful items that I make to support a non-profit.
     So can I say that just because people want to share that photo to make their children realize that once something is on the internet it is really hard, NIGH IMPOSSIBLE to get it back. Go for it. But don't limit your talks to just the internet, bring in the media, and of course cell phones. You can look at the recent scandal of all the celebrities whose nude photos got leaked. If they hadn't taken them in the first place they would not have had the opportunity to make it to the internet, the media would not have picked it up and those women would not have been embarrassed. Look back a few years when Vanessa Hudgens (From High School Musical) was besmirched in the media because her boyfriend at the time was in possession of nude photos of her gave them to the media. She was embarrassed. A lot of people blamed her for this, but not the boyfriend, was she slightly at fault? Yes she should not have taken the photos to begin with but he was trusted by her to not share those and he did. He betrayed her. So use these women as examples when teaching your children to not post things they shouldn't on the internet but...
     Also remember that not everything gets shared quite like you think it does.