Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Personal Thoughts

  So if you follow this blog, I know I am not terribly exciting. I mean I am not big on letting the thoughts I consider private out into the world where someone can take them the wrong way and then be upset with me. I realize that this happens all the time with everyone. We are all entitled to our opinion and they are most likely going to disagree with someone elses. Take for example world peace, there are so many people that want this, strive for it, plead everyone for it. Me? I don't think that world peace is ever going to happen. For one there are so many tribes in Africa that we don't even know about, I mean that country is huge.
You can see from this info-graphic that a lot of the other countries in the world that we think are huge with just a bit of rearranging fit into Africa. There are places that we can only draw on a map because of satellite images. No one has mapped it by actually being there. But back to
World peace. You know why we don't have it right now? Because there are radicals in the world that talk well enough that they can get people to follow them. I mean most of the people in this world would rather be followers than leaders. I think this mentality comes from that the leaders will get blamed if it goes down hill. But still, there is always going to be someone that has a different opinion about how something should be ran. And there will be conflict. So therefore there most likely won't be world peace ever.

I am not sure this was where I wanted to go with this post. Maybe tomorrow I will actually write about what I was planning on writing. But until then enjoy the small glimpse in the inner-workings of my slightly deranged brain.

  So until next time.